The AGM was held last Sunday, so thanks to those that came down.
Commodore Jasper Campbell reported that the past year has been a successful one with the Club finances recovering after a challenging 12 months prior to that due to the knock on effects from Covid . Membership numbers are also up despite some existing members moving away from the area. On the back of more events and functions at the Club last year, new residents to the area have been joining the Club steadily.
Thanks were passed on to the Committee, Bar volunteers and other members who gave their time towards maintenance around the Club. A summary of maintenance that has been completed, and jobs still to be done over the next year was also discussed.
There have been changes on the committee for the coming year with Rowan, Dave and John Nelson stepping down and Brandon, Haleigh & Grant (Auntie) joining.
Thanks to those stepping down for their efforts. A special mention in particular to John Nelson for his many years on Committee and as past Commodore for his contributions over the years.